All nursery stock is shipped FOB from our nursery in Salem, Oregon. Packaging materials are an additional cost to your order. We charge a minimum of $150.00 for delivery within the Willamete Valley and Portland areas. Additional charges may apply for holding material beyond scheduled ship/delivery date.
Minimum Order Quantity:
We require a minimum order of $100 if the order requires shipping. Smaller quantities may be considered if the order is picked up.
All shipments should be inspected upon arrival. Any problem with quality of stock should be brought to our attention. We will not be liable for more than the original purchase price of any plant material. All claims must be made in writing within 7 working days of receipt of order. We do not bear responsibility for care after shipment or delivery of our plant material. All other warranties, whether expressed or implied, and including claims to productiveness, growth, transport, or other factors beyond our control will not be the responsibility of Martel’s Nursery, Inc.
Are net 30 days to those who have established credit with us. Credit will be extended only to customers with approved credit and trade references. A 25% deposit may be required based on volume of sale, and on a new accounts credit rating. All other accounts will be on a cash basis with deposit required. Overdue accounts will be subject to a 1 1/2% service charge per month or an annual rate of 18%. All prices are subject to change without formal notice.